1401 Properties
Breitenau am Hochlantsch at 0,48 km from the city centre
Spielberg bei Knittelfeld at 2,51 km from the city centre
Bad Waltersdorf at 0,08 km from the city centre
Palfau at 2,08 km from the city centre
Gersdorf an der Feistritz at 1,44 km from the city centre
Tieschen at 0,81 km from the city centre
Veitsch at 1,04 km from the city centre
Sankt Marein bei Knittelfeld at 3,75 km from the city centre
Oberhaag at 1,71 km from the city centre
Mooskirchen at 1,55 km from the city centre
Sankt Georgen ob Murau at 0,87 km from the city centre
Sankt Georgen ob Murau at 1,22 km from the city centre
Zeltweg at 0,7 km from the city centre
Graz at 2,71 km from the city centre
Graz at 1,02 km from the city centre
Pichl bei Aussee at 0,64 km from the city centre
Ãœbelbach at 0,96 km from the city centre
Obdach at 8,1 km from the city centre
Seiersberg at 1,11 km from the city centre
Lieboch at 1,7 km from the city centre