104 Properties
Gres at 1,17 km from the city centre
Hio at 0,96 km from the city centre
Hio at 1,07 km from the city centre
Oia at 4,78 km from the city centre
Areas at 0,73 km from the city centre
Porriño at 4,62 km from the city centre
A Guarda at 0,22 km from the city centre
Gondomar at 1,88 km from the city centre
Montalvo at 1,16 km from the city centre
Oia at 1,72 km from the city centre
Codeseda at 0,45 km from the city centre
Aldán at 0,38 km from the city centre
Outeiro at 19 km from the city centre
Vigo at 0,49 km from the city centre
O Grove at 1,2 km from the city centre
Bueu at 0,03 km from the city centre
Vigo at 0,31 km from the city centre
Villadesuso at 1,42 km from the city centre
Villanueva de Arosa at 1,16 km from the city centre
Hotels Europe Spain Pontevedra Hotels with transfer service in Pontevedra