33 Properties
Pulianas at 1,61 km from the city centre
Lanjarón at 1,65 km from the city centre
Granada at 0,33 km from the city centre
Granada at 0,45 km from the city centre
Freila at 3,32 km from the city centre
Baúl at 2,23 km from the city centre
Almunecar at 0,95 km from the city centre
Salobrena at 1,35 km from the city centre
Granada at 0,63 km from the city centre
Pradollano at 0,09 km from the city centre
Gualchos at 3,61 km from the city centre
Granada at 25,65 km from the city centre
Darro at 0,68 km from the city centre