864 Properties
Castelo de Paiva at 3,6 km from the city centre
Castelo de Paiva at 4,65 km from the city centre
Torreira at 2,23 km from the city centre
Torreira at 2,77 km from the city centre
Milheirós de Poiares at 1,49 km from the city centre
Furadouro at 0,62 km from the city centre
Furadouro at 0,56 km from the city centre
São João at 0,05 km from the city centre
São Lourenço at 1,08 km from the city centre
Calvão at 2,8 km from the city centre
Sever do Vouga at 2,77 km from the city centre
Sever do Vouga at 0,16 km from the city centre
Murtosa at 6,46 km from the city centre
Torreira at 1,37 km from the city centre
Vale de Cambra at 1,88 km from the city centre
Macieira de Cambra at 0,7 km from the city centre
Couto de Baixo at 3,9 km from the city centre
Válega at 2,39 km from the city centre
Castelo de Paiva at 1,23 km from the city centre
Castelo de Paiva at 1,62 km from the city centre