Disponibilitā dell'hotel in corso di aggiornamento
Delve into the history of Biscay through Balneario Orduņa Plaza, a neoclassical building located in the town of Orduņa dating from the XVIII century, when it was built by Carlos III as a customs house to control the movement of merchants and goods between the port of Bilbao and Old Castile. Every corner of this emblematic building conjures up images of its historical past, beautifully fused with the modernity and quality of facilities designed to guarantee comfort and relaxation.
Hotel Balneario Orduņa Plaza has six conference rooms, three of which are for a maximum of 12 people and another three that can be joined to take up to 300 people (depending on the required set-up).
Attivitā e tempo libero
Come arrivare
Uscire dall'aeroporto di Loiu e dirigersi verso la N637. Girare a sinistra sull'autostrada E70/A8 e successivament a destra sulla E804/AP68. Prendere l'uscita 3 a destra per Anunzibai Auzoa-Barrio Anunzibai.Proseguire in direzione Orduņa per la A2522, la A-625 e la Bi-625. Tra il quartiere s.Miguel-s.Miguel Auzoa, proseguire dritto er Kale Zaharra-Kale Zaharra Kalea e girare a destra in Foru P...