84 Properties
Verona at 0,31 km from the city centre
Verona at 5,68 km from the city centre
Verona at 1,7 km from the city centre
Bussolengo at 0,53 km from the city centre
Nogarole Rocca at 0,57 km from the city centre
Bussolengo at 0,4 km from the city centre
Castel D'Azzano at 3,07 km from the city centre
Verona at 2,2 km from the city centre
Verona at 1,04 km from the city centre
Verona at 22,71 km from the city centre
Verona at 1,3 km from the city centre
Verona at 5,24 km from the city centre
Nogara at 0,39 km from the city centre
San Martino Buon Albergo at 1,31 km from the city centre
Colognola Ai Colli at 0,84 km from the city centre
Oppeano at 0,26 km from the city centre
Costermano at 1,38 km from the city centre
San Giovanni Lupatoto at 2,96 km from the city centre
Corrubbio at 0,36 km from the city centre
Torri del Benaco at 2,42 km from the city centre