1016 Properties
Vigo Di Fassa at 0,56 km from the city centre
Folgaria at 8,11 km from the city centre
Sporminore at 7,95 km from the city centre
Cavedago at 0,23 km from the city centre
Cloz at 0,01 km from the city centre
Ledro at 6,06 km from the city centre
Ledro at 4,4 km from the city centre
Peio at 0,22 km from the city centre
Rabbi at 0,18 km from the city centre
Isera at 0,11 km from the city centre
Monclassico at 0,56 km from the city centre
Castello Di Fiemme at 2,1 km from the city centre
Castello Di Fiemme at 0,25 km from the city centre
Mezzocorona at 0,44 km from the city centre
Tuenno at 1,12 km from the city centre
Riva del Garda at 2,17 km from the city centre
Predazzo at 0,79 km from the city centre
Dimaro at 0,96 km from the city centre
Canazei at 2,52 km from the city centre
Transacqua at 2,5 km from the city centre