431 Properties
Santos at 0,84 km from the city centre
Porto Feliz at 13,29 km from the city centre
Caraguatatuba at 7,13 km from the city centre
Cachoeira Paulista at 1,52 km from the city centre
Bauru at 3,22 km from the city centre
Boracéia at 1,61 km from the city centre
Guarujá at 0,91 km from the city centre
Itu at 6,32 km from the city centre
Aparecida at 4,1 km from the city centre
Avaré at 99,2 km from the city centre
Praia Grande at 656,4 km from the city centre
Praia Grande at 659,44 km from the city centre
Itu at 3,38 km from the city centre
São José dos Campos at 1,89 km from the city centre
Santo André at 1060,81 km from the city centre
Boituva at 1,33 km from the city centre
Serra Negra at 3,73 km from the city centre
Brotas at 1,47 km from the city centre
Sertãozinho at 3690,53 km from the city centre
Ubatuba at 20,86 km from the city centre