489 Properties
NavasfrÃas at 0,05 km from the city centre
Gallegos de Argañán at 6,78 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 1,01 km from the city centre
Saucelle at 0,08 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 0,68 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 0,94 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 0,42 km from the city centre
Saucelle at 0,2 km from the city centre
Bejar at 0,4 km from the city centre
Candelario at 0,79 km from the city centre
Trabanca at 0,16 km from the city centre
Madroñal at 0,03 km from the city centre
Sancti SpÃritus at 0,65 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 0,84 km from the city centre
Salamanca at 0,98 km from the city centre
La Alberca at 0,19 km from the city centre
La Hoya at 1,03 km from the city centre
Cepeda at 0,68 km from the city centre
Baños de Ledesma at 0,06 km from the city centre
Aldeadávila de la Ribera at 0,36 km from the city centre