852 Properties
Barvaux-Condroz at 1,01 km from the city centre
Denée at 0,23 km from the city centre
Mouzaive at 0,41 km from the city centre
Belair at 1,47 km from the city centre
Houdremont at 2,79 km from the city centre
Wavreille at 1,45 km from the city centre
Biesmerée at 0,9 km from the city centre
Houdremont at 3,75 km from the city centre
Purnode at 0,42 km from the city centre
Pondrôme at 0,25 km from the city centre
Gros-Fays at 1,8 km from the city centre
Franchimont at 1,36 km from the city centre
Coutisse at 3,14 km from the city centre
Sauvenière at 2,01 km from the city centre
Hastière-Lavaux at 0,84 km from the city centre
Serville at 1,23 km from the city centre
Couvin at 5,19 km from the city centre
Beuzet at 3,03 km from the city centre
Beuzet at 3,03 km from the city centre
Les Riesses at 3,69 km from the city centre