1460 Properties
Tiradentes at 0,84 km from the city centre
Itanhandu at 1,78 km from the city centre
Caxambu at 1,09 km from the city centre
Vespasiano at 0,38 km from the city centre
São João del Rei at 5,74 km from the city centre
São João del Rei at 5,48 km from the city centre
Monte Verde at 42,79 km from the city centre
Monte Verde at 45,01 km from the city centre
Monte Verde at 45,57 km from the city centre
Monte Verde at 45,93 km from the city centre
Monte Verde at 46,04 km from the city centre
Carandaà at 4,5 km from the city centre
CruzÃlia at 8,9 km from the city centre
Santa Rita de Jacutinga at 1,65 km from the city centre
Paraopeba at 3,23 km from the city centre
Itaobim at 1,48 km from the city centre
Patos de Minas at 3,01 km from the city centre
Ouro Branco at 1,28 km from the city centre
Vargem Bonita at 0,74 km from the city centre
Araçuaà at 2,4 km from the city centre
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