1056 Properties
Santiago de Compostela at 6,7 km from the city centre
Mañón at 10,04 km from the city centre
O Mesón Do Vento at 0,97 km from the city centre
Ordes at 0,11 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,76 km from the city centre
Nemiña at 1,32 km from the city centre
Carnota at 3,41 km from the city centre
Corcubión at 0,27 km from the city centre
Ferrol at 0,89 km from the city centre
Muxia at 8,43 km from the city centre
O Pedrouzo at 0,65 km from the city centre
Padrón at 5,93 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,42 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 3,16 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,95 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 0,13 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,66 km from the city centre
Corme at 0,46 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 0,52 km from the city centre
Oleiros at 2,38 km from the city centre