138 Properties
Sampaio at 0,29 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 2,76 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 0,49 km from the city centre
Arteixo at 0,19 km from the city centre
Culleredo at 3,66 km from the city centre
O Mesón Do Vento at 0,57 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,14 km from the city centre
Mazaricos at 0,06 km from the city centre
Roxos at 0,16 km from the city centre
Outes at 3,7 km from the city centre
Tufiones at 0,83 km from the city centre
Betanzos at 0,39 km from the city centre
Cee at 0,01 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,9 km from the city centre
La Coruña at 1,38 km from the city centre
Granxa at 0,34 km from the city centre
La Coruña at 1,21 km from the city centre
Perillo at 0,39 km from the city centre
Lires at 0,69 km from the city centre
Milladoiro at 1,32 km from the city centre