159 Properties
Santa Comba at 0,88 km from the city centre
Granxa at 0,34 km from the city centre
Santa Marta de Ortigueira at 5,23 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,56 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 1,77 km from the city centre
Muxia at 0,13 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,21 km from the city centre
Culleredo at 4,77 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 10,39 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 6,16 km from the city centre
Cedeira at 1,68 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 4,74 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 0,15 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,36 km from the city centre
A Pobra do Caramiñal at 0,09 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,51 km from the city centre
Catoira at 0,34 km from the city centre
Mino at 3,08 km from the city centre
Milladoiro at 0,66 km from the city centre
Finisterre at 1,17 km from the city centre