268 Properties
Santiago de Compostela at 0,62 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,52 km from the city centre
Camariñas at 0,49 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 1,25 km from the city centre
Porto de Espasante at 0,8 km from the city centre
Santa Marta de Ortigueira at 0,24 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,2 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 3,94 km from the city centre
Cariño at 1,66 km from the city centre
Sada at 3,05 km from the city centre
La Coruña at 1,94 km from the city centre
Sigüeiro at 1,42 km from the city centre
Sobrado at 0,57 km from the city centre
Muxia at 0,17 km from the city centre
O Pindo at 0,34 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,47 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,91 km from the city centre
Porto do Barqueiro at 0,46 km from the city centre
Noia at 0,17 km from the city centre
Santiago de Compostela at 0,96 km from the city centre