1472 Properties
Almunecar at 1,18 km from the city centre
Atalbeitar at 1,29 km from the city centre
Sierra Nevada at 0,27 km from the city centre
Güejar Sierra at 4,15 km from the city centre
Granada at 0,37 km from the city centre
Órgiva at 1,57 km from the city centre
Granada at 1,18 km from the city centre
Almunecar at 0,9 km from the city centre
Nigüelas at 6,19 km from the city centre
Almunecar at 3,49 km from the city centre
Villa de Otura at 3,92 km from the city centre
Fornes at 2,06 km from the city centre
Los Baños at 1,01 km from the city centre
Cenes de la Vega at 0,32 km from the city centre
La Zubia at 8,39 km from the city centre
Cullar at 0,24 km from the city centre
Lanjarón at 0,8 km from the city centre
Monachil at 1,38 km from the city centre
Sierra Nevada at 0,59 km from the city centre
Mecina Bombarón at 0,51 km from the city centre