1699 Properties
Sankt Marein bei Knittelfeld at 1,35 km from the city centre
Mureck at 0,89 km from the city centre
Mandling at 2,41 km from the city centre
Kaindorf at 1,36 km from the city centre
Leoben at 0,77 km from the city centre
Graz at 6,03 km from the city centre
Graz at 7,98 km from the city centre
Admont at 1,2 km from the city centre
Graz at 0,48 km from the city centre
Ramsau am Dachstein at 9,34 km from the city centre
Pruggern at 1,47 km from the city centre
Murau at 1,2 km from the city centre
Graz at 5,41 km from the city centre
Hirschegg at 0,38 km from the city centre
Predlitz at 0,45 km from the city centre
Tauplitz at 1,24 km from the city centre
Pichl at 1,34 km from the city centre
Aflenz Kurort at 1,35 km from the city centre
Kitzelsdorf at 0,77 km from the city centre
Trautmannsdorf in Oststeiermark at 0,28 km from the city centre