116 Properties
Haus at 0,28 km from the city centre
Graz at 4,56 km from the city centre
Admont at 1,72 km from the city centre
Loipersdorf Bei Fürstenfeld at 1,93 km from the city centre
Pruggern at 0,78 km from the city centre
Mürzsteg at 1,24 km from the city centre
Loipersdorf Bei Fürstenfeld at 2,22 km from the city centre
Graz at 0,89 km from the city centre
Loipersdorf Bei Fürstenfeld at 3,43 km from the city centre
Fohnsdorf at 1,27 km from the city centre
Miesenbach at 0,79 km from the city centre
Gröbming at 3,4 km from the city centre
Leibnitz at 0,93 km from the city centre
Pichl at 1,27 km from the city centre
Aflenz Kurort at 2,06 km from the city centre
Sankt Georgen ob Murau at 1,22 km from the city centre
Graz at 1,02 km from the city centre
Graz at 4,79 km from the city centre
Unterpremstätten at 1,48 km from the city centre
Sankt Kathrein am Offenegg at 0,76 km from the city centre