152 Properties
Carteria di Sesto Rastignano at 2,3 km from the city centre
Granarolo Dell'Emilia at 3,46 km from the city centre
Budrio at 3,93 km from the city centre
Monterenzio at 5,48 km from the city centre
San Giovanni In Persiceto at 3,58 km from the city centre
Casa delle Curve at 1,88 km from the city centre
Bologna at 0,7 km from the city centre
Bologna at 0,23 km from the city centre
Bologna at 0,08 km from the city centre
Molinella at 1,46 km from the city centre
San Giovanni In Persiceto at 0,77 km from the city centre
Argelato at 3,05 km from the city centre