67 Properties
Avila at 0,24 km from the city centre
Avila at 2,13 km from the city centre
Avila at 0,21 km from the city centre
Avila at 1,26 km from the city centre
Avila at 5,65 km from the city centre
Avila at 0,23 km from the city centre
Avila at 4,39 km from the city centre
Avila at 0,12 km from the city centre
Navarredonda Gredos at 0,47 km from the city centre
Barco de Ãvila at 0,38 km from the city centre
Casillas at 0,75 km from the city centre
Avila at 0,16 km from the city centre
Avila at 5,61 km from the city centre
Pedro Bernardo at 1,79 km from the city centre
Avila at 0,33 km from the city centre
El Fresno at 1,69 km from the city centre
Cebreros at 0,2 km from the city centre
Candeleda at 4,69 km from the city centre
Solana de ávila at 0,46 km from the city centre
Pedro Bernardo at 1,5 km from the city centre