96 Properties
Navas del Marqués, Las at 0,18 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 0,75 km from the city centre
El Raso at 2,45 km from the city centre
Villaviciosa at 0,19 km from the city centre
Barco de Ãvila at 2,57 km from the city centre
Barajas at 0,51 km from the city centre
Padiernos at 1,32 km from the city centre
Navarredonda Gredos at 0,88 km from the city centre
Villanueva de Ãvila at %1 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 0,63 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 7,67 km from the city centre
Avila at 1,11 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 0,47 km from the city centre
Navarredonda Gredos at 0,51 km from the city centre
La Adrada at 0,21 km from the city centre
La Adrada at 0,21 km from the city centre