216 Properties
Avila at 0,07 km from the city centre
Navas del Marqués, Las at 0,73 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 0,31 km from the city centre
Villanueva de Gómez at 3,82 km from the city centre
Sotillo de la Adrada at 0,49 km from the city centre
Navas del Marqués, Las at 0,18 km from the city centre
Arenas de San Pedro at 0,75 km from the city centre
Candeleda at 0,31 km from the city centre
La Adrada at 0,16 km from the city centre
Barco de Ãvila at 2,57 km from the city centre
Candeleda at 0,08 km from the city centre
Pedro Bernardo at 1,2 km from the city centre
Arévalo at 0,29 km from the city centre
Barco de Ãvila at 0,27 km from the city centre
El Hornillo at 0,1 km from the city centre
Hoyocasero at 0,64 km from the city centre
Maello at 0,18 km from the city centre
Poyales del Hoyo at 0,7 km from the city centre
San MartÃn del Pimpollar at 0,55 km from the city centre
Sotillo de la Adrada at 0,46 km from the city centre