262 Properties
Perlora at 0,6 km from the city centre
Cangas de OnÃs at 0,16 km from the city centre
Aller at 7,03 km from the city centre
Arenas de Cabrales at 3,11 km from the city centre
Lugones at 0,77 km from the city centre
Soto Luiñas at 0,3 km from the city centre
Benia de OnÃs at 0,1 km from the city centre
Gijón at 4,93 km from the city centre
Luarca at 1,01 km from the city centre
Gijón at 0,41 km from the city centre
Granda at 2,08 km from the city centre
Villaviciosa at 0,04 km from the city centre
Llanes at 0,23 km from the city centre
Felechosa at 1,07 km from the city centre
Sardalla at 0,74 km from the city centre
Oviedo at 1,91 km from the city centre
Ribadesella at 0,07 km from the city centre
Noreña at 0,41 km from the city centre
Avilés at 0,13 km from the city centre
Arenas de Cabrales at 1,06 km from the city centre