Bernd-Rosemeyer-Str. 21, Lingen, Niedersachsen (Germany) Show on map
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For everybody, early riser or long sleeper, businessperson or culture event lover, shopping or recreation freak, LOOKEN INN offers the shortest and the most convenient access to all places of entertainment, "LOOKENTOR“ Shopping Mall, 'Emsland" arena and historical sightseeing sites
Does not matter, you arrive by your own car (which you may leave in our subterranean parking) or by train at conveniently located railway station, everything here is within your grasp
LOOKEN INN is the ode to a medieval time of Kivelinge
No wonder as Lingen is the city of Kivelinges
* The hotel with 99 luxury rooms located close to the historical centre of the city is a combination of modern architecture, light colours and fresh decor and offers excellent, friendly atmosphere
Just call us!It will be our pleasure to assist you
*No wonder as Lingen is the city of Kivelinges
It will be our pleasure to assist you