Av. Baia dos Golfinhos, 1094, Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) Show on map
Tax Information
The rate does not include local taxes, supplements or other additional charges that the hotel may charge you; because you must pay them directly at the destination. Unless the hotel indicates otherwise.
Positive: First class hotel in Pipa. Super friendly, very welcoming and great homely design. Breakfast is fantastic. Good location. Upgrade to the apartment and you will have a spacious room with a verandah. ...
Negative: Nada
Positive: The location
Negative: The noise of the building work. Lots of dogs and cats around your table at breakfast time. Lack of customer service. I could go on.☹️
Positive: I loved this place and wish I could stay longer. Super nice atmosphere, spacious and clean room, great location, very tasty breakfast, helpful personnel.
Positive: Breakfeast
Negative: Room was too small and dark