One Arrivals Road, Terminal B, Philadelphia Airport Area, Pensilvania - PA (Etats-Unis)
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The building is a 15 story,modern highrise of glass and concrete.
The hotel also features a fitness center, indoor pool and whirlpool.
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Informations fiscales
Le taux ne comprend pas les taxes locales, les suppléments ou autres frais supplémentaires que l'hôtel peut vous facturer; parce que vous devez les payer directement à la destination. Sauf si l'hôtel indique le contraire.
Comment y accéder
2 km de l'aéroport le plus proche (philadelphie)
Perfectly located at the airport of Philadelphia, the Marriott has it's own entrance (skybridge) into the airport at Terminal B. The city is also close - a 10 minute drive.